Whether at home or in the workplace, it’s not always easy to stay efficient and focused because there are so many distractions and tasks to do. Fortunately, there are many apps that can make our lives easier by supporting our needs in many areas: time tracking, task organisation, communication… NetAnswer has therefore selected for you 10 tools that will boost your productivity and most of which offer a free version, to improve your daily life.

Todoist allows you to easily manage your tasks thanks to an intuitive and no-frills interface. No more post-it notes to lose or pile up, add your task, your deadline and synchronize the application with your calendar to never forget anything.

Alternative : Wunderlist

Toggl’s simplicity is its great advantage. It can be integrated directly into your browser and allows you to track the time you spend on each of your tasks.

Alternative : Paymo

Following on from Toggl, if you find it difficult to stay focused for long periods then the Pomodoro method is for you. Integrate the timer directly into your browser and alternate between work sequences and regular short breaks to improve your productivity.

Alternative : Focus Booster

Trello is a project management tool based on the Kanban method. Your tasks are displayed in the form of cards that you move around in columns of your choice (e.g. To Do, In Progress, Done). Even in its free version it offers essential features that allow you to organise complex tasks.

Alternative : Airtable

No more wasted hours of work due to a forgotten Ctrl+S (Apple+S). Google Suite allows you to create, store and share your documents online while offering time-saving collaboration tools.
Alternative : Dropbox
Do you feel that you are missing out on a lot of interesting content due to time constraints? Or are you too distracted by the time spent reading these articles? Then Pocket is for you! Save articles, videos etc. in the application and organise the content to read later, whenever you want.

Alternative : Raindrop

Tired of repeating the same tasks every day? Automate them! Zapier allows you to integrate with many other services to automate tasks between different services. For example, add meeting time from Google Calendar to Toggl, or create cards in Trello from a bookmarked email etc.

Alternative : IFTTT

Wifi codes, passwords, useful links… are often lost in notebooks or on post-its. Opt for a digital version to keep everything at hand with Evernote. The application also allows you to save links, videos etc.

Alternative : One Note

Originally a messaging tool, Slack has become a tool of choice for many companies due to the multitude of options it offers. It allows you to do away with the emails that saturate your inbox and save time by offering you a real space for exchange.

Alternative : Twist

CloudApp reinvents screen capture by offering options for capturing videos, annotations or even creating gifs. These features make it easy to share information when communicating with your team.

Alternative : Loom

In conclusion, we have selected these different applications because they are easy to use and do not offer superfluous features that would clutter your life. The most important thing is not to know if these tools are efficient in themselves but if they correspond to your needs and your use. So take the time to test them out to make them your own and choose the ones that suit you best!