Transform the engagement of your community!
Stimulate the engagement of your network with communication tools dedicated to community management.
Let your members drive your network!
Provide your members with a dedicated space where they can easily interact with other members.

Email campaigns
Stay in contact
Create customised email campaigns with templates adapted to your different types of communications. Target your emails by creating mailing lists and adding dynamic data, and then follow the performances of your campaigns. Optimise your database by correcting returned emails.

Email statistics

Group your members according to their interests
Create groups by theme, geographic zone, professional activity, graduating class, etc., and define their visibility (public or private). Delegate management of the different groups by designating administrators who will be able to lead and manage the groups independently. Each group will have its own page with a configurable menu. Create exclusive content – news, events, documents, etc – for network members and bring the network to life!

Ask your community members for their opinions
Create surveys – from the very simple to the most complex – using our professional tool. Choose any type of question, create the topics, and select the filters for your questionnaires and satisfaction surveys. Send your job placement questionnaires with confidence; the responses are automatically filled with information from the database that was updated with the information your members provided. Send automatic reminders, follow the progress of responses in real time, and export the results of your surveys.

Automatic reminders

Manage your network by relying on your community
Invite members to become a community ambassador. Contact is made easy so ambassadors can assist your alumni, encourage them to participate in events, and convey the value of your network.

Respect for confidentiality

Limitation of contacts

Secure contact

Let your members express themselves in only one click
A new board to elect ? A local group leader to appoint ? Invite your members to vote directly from their personal space and tally the votes securely. Create your list of candidates, the group of voters, and the voting period in just a few clicks!

Foster networking!
Give your members the ability to make the most of their network in a single swipe! Facilitate the sharing of opportunities with our powerful matching motor. Connect your members by shared interests, geolocation, and opportunities searched– and let them network!

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