About Netanswer
Netanswer is the solution that helps you manage your network. Fully scalable and developed in SaaS, our solution helps you build a network that is solid, dynamic, and engaged.
A leader in France in community management solutions for more than 18 years, our solution brings together more than 3 million members in more than 180 networks.
Our expertise allows us to respond to the needs of several types of networks that want a website that is dynamic and performing, has a management system, as well as database management tools.

NetAnswer was born.

Director of NetAnswer
Our modules

Simplify the management, organisation, and communication of your events through an intuitive interface for your members.

Allow your members to contact other members who would take on an ambassador role in a given region or country.

Mobile App
Increase the engagement of your members tenfold with a dedicated mobile application that includes the essential features of your website.

Manage several events taking place within the same event. Coaching sessions, workshops, etc… there are many different possibilities.

Online Shop
Easily sell your articles directly from your website and manage the invoicing, stocks, and purchase orders from the administration module.

Membership Dues
Set up a payment system for membership dues where members can pay online, or by other means, and with which you can easily monitor your cash flow.

Easily manage all your donation campaigns and donor lists with tools for editing invoices, CERFA payment receipts, and exporting your accounts.

Create, test, and send mass e-mails to all of your members!

Enable recruiters and alumni to schedule interviews using given filters via a connection forum.

Employment / Career
Take advantage of our many employment partners and participate in the career development of your members.

Integration Survey
Create surveys from our survey module with pre-filled responses and update your database according to the responses.

Connect offers by your member entrepreneurs and the requests for services from your network.

Career Interview
Manage the individual interviews of your alumni directly in their member profil.

Private Space
A private space for your community. Let your members manage their information, privacy, subscriptions, and settings.

Event Site
Highlight your events through EventSite by creating a dedicated webpage with a unique URL for each of your events.

Event Site Connect
Streamline the queue for your events! Scan the QR code located on the badge of your guests through the app to register their attendance.

Manage your network by allowing your members to lead geographical, professional, work, or other types of groups.

Keep In Touch
Inspired by dating applications, Keep inTouch is a powerful matching engine that connects people based on their shared interests.

Advanced Mass Updates
Opt for the advanced mass updates option and bring your members’ data up-to-date with just a few clicks.

Payment Methods
Pick current payment methods to increase your paid memberships! PayPlug, Stripe, Lydia; so many alternatives out there to make it easier for your members to get involved.

Create, test, and send your newsletters to all your members, incorporating the news and events you’ve already created.

Payments Managed by Your Groups
Give your groups more autonomy by letting them handle their finances. For example, they would be able to manage their events from A to Z without having to ask for funds from the association.

Sponsoring / Mentoring
Manage your entire sponsorship and mentoring programmes by screening your members, automatically creating pairs, and monitoring their relationships.

Classified Adverts
Whether offering accommodations, products, or services, this module lets your members post their adverts to the network.

Customised Membership Dues
Set membership fees that are appropriate for your activity. The gives you the ability to easily set up one-off and targeted reductions to motivate get your members to become dues-paying members.

Add value to your publications by going digital! Manage your editions, special reports, and articles from your site.

Scan returned mail, update your database, and resend mail to members whose address was incorrect to ensure your information is up-to-date.

Receive the expertise of our consultants to complete your database on four optional pieces of information: SIRET number, registered company name, address, and NAF code.

Create surveys -from the most simple to the most complex – using our professional tool.

Launch an SMS campaign to have more of an impact on your members. For example, for an appeal to become a dues-paying member.

Use our SMTP server to send emails! You can also set up your clients’ email accounts on all your terminals.

SSO Events
Share your events with other associations to encourage networking and promote your events outside your network.

Analyse visitors to your website using our tracking system which lets you know the location of your visitors, their actions, how much time they spend on your website, etc.

Apprenticeship Tax
Give your higher education institute the ability to manage its apprenticeship taxes online.

By using our translation module for the translation of your content, translators can enter the translations directly on your site. Contact us for our translation rates!

A new board to elect? A local group manager to appoint? Let your members provide their input in one click.
Our Team

Loïc Février
Chief Technical Officer

Mohammed Boumeddine
Lead Developer

Sébastien Rix
Back-end developer

Denis Bourmault
Product Owner

UX/UI Designer

Pierre L’Hopital
Full Stack developer

Vincent Ferry
Full Stack developer

Wissam Akou
Full Stack Developer

Back-end developer

Houssem Tayech
Backe-end Developer

Claire de Saint Blancard
Project Director

Assia Souici
Project Manager

Justine Larrière
Project Manager

Alexis Ruggiero
CRM Consulting Technician

Karen Hukportie
Project Manager

Jean-Baptiste Rous
Project Manager

Johanna Teixeira
Project Manager

Florine Hubert
Project Manager