Whether it is to get your members to join or to collect donations, an online payment solution is essential. It must be as smooth as possible for the user, as it is the last line of defence for their contribution and the development of your association. NetAnswer offers various solutions to facilitate these payments and helps you to see more clearly the different tariffs.

+ :
- Payment directly into your account
- Cheaper billing
– :
- Complex underwriting
- Cumbersome systems to implement
- Difficult customisation
- Poor user experience
- Paying options (3D Secure, payment by instalments, credit card registration…)

As can be seen from this graph, 16% of transactions do not result in a payment due to user abandonment. 3% of transactions also fail without explanation (3D secure, ceiling problem, server problem…).
It is therefore preferable to move away from traditional banking systems and to use an ergonomic solution to encourage the user to complete the transaction.

+ :
- Simple subscription
- Easy customisation
- No need to leave your site (total integration), resulting in a simplified user experience
- Pure player
- Well established: Deliveroo, Booking, Drivy, Salesforce, Mailjet, Unicef, Oxfam, KissKiss Bankbank…
– :
- Foreign solution

+ :
- Simple subscription
- Easy customisation
- No exit from your site (full integration) resulting in a simplified user experience
- Pure player
- French solution
- Cheaper billing than Stripe
– :
- Less widespread and reputable solution than Stripe
- Less prestigious clients

+ :
- Simple subscription
- Widely used by young people
- French solution
- Excellent UX
– :
- More suitable for money exchange between people (like Pumpkin)
- Can be a bit too innovative
In our view, the criteria for selection should be as follows:
- Ergonomy : as seen above, 16% of transactions do not go through
- Simplicity : the simpler it is, the greater the acquisition
- Security : frauds, DSP2, 3D Secure
- Flexible payment method : repayment, instalments, deferred payment…
- Pricing : annual fee to be compared

We have made 2 comparisons of fees, for associations of different sizes. For the smallest associations, the most suitable solutions are Stripe or Lydia because of their low debit percentage.

For larger associations with a higher transaction rate, the Pro and Premium versions of PayPlug offer the best deal.

The choice will obviously depend on your average shopping basket and the number of transactions made on your site, but you can easily obtain these values which are calculated automatically in the administration area of your site.
3 providers offer direct debit with dematerialised mandate:
- GoCardless
- SlimPay
- Stripe

Due to its attractive cost and ease of use, NetAnswer now recommends the use of Stripe to facilitate direct debits.
On the payment page, after having chosen his rate, the Internet user only has to enter his IBAN and sign his mandate electronically.

Stripe automatically generates its SEPA Mandate.

NetAnswer fully integrates the direct debit solution and allows you to administer :
- send a direct debit notification e-mail (with RUM, date and amount)
- to give the debit order via Stripe

In conclusion, if NetAnswer allows you a wide choice of solutions, it is therefore appropriate to comparing the most suitable for your use. This is why we integrate in our solution a module allowing you to compare the different fees which are calculated directly from your transactions in order to make your decision easier.